Sometimes you may send an email to someone you didn’t meant for that person and sent the email to wrong person, or maybe you sent an email and you regretted after awhile. Well, you are not desperate anymore. Google announced his own encryption system in 2014 (Making end-to-end encryption easier to use). However, that system allows you to encrypt in just google services such as gmail to gmail. So when you send an encrypted mail to other services like yahoo mail, this feature does not work. There is another choice that gives you more freedom is Snapmail. Snapmail, is a Google chrome extension that gives you possibility to delete the regretted emails whenever and wherever you sent.
Snapmail, encrypts the mails you send on your device, so whenever you want to delete the mail you sent as options like 60 seconds or more after reading the mail by receiver. It lets you to delete it and don’t allow to read by receiver. The receiver having a error message when they try to read the deleted mail.
How to use the Snapmail:
First things first, you have to use Google Chrome Browser. After that you must install the Snapmail extension from Chrome extension store (Snapmail extension). After you have written your mail you will notice a Snapmail send button. After you sent the mail, service will encrypt the mail and will set to self-destruct in 60 seconds after opening the mail by receiver. But there is a bad point, the receiver will not notice the mail is set to self-destruct mode. So its important to acknowledge the receiver about that if it's necessary.
Before Snapmail, Dmail was dominating other self-destructing email services. But, because of an unknown reason Dmail service is no longer operate.